In the forest ...

Lumpy limps back with the rest of the group towards the cave. Thokk lingers behind but finds that the remains of the demon crumble to the touch leaving no trophy behind. He picks up a howler quill or two however as you near the cave.

Outside the cave, you rendez-vous with Trinark and the druid. Once back at the cave you consider heading back for Tammar through what's left of the night vs. trying to catch a few hours of sleep before daybreak ...

In the shop ...

"Make it a good one," mutters the armorer. He absent-mindedly grasps the hilt of his sword. The blade shimmers as he does so, almost rippling like liquid quicksilver.

"They've seen too much, Khosuvah," says the woman in red, turning her hooded face away. She reaches down into a satchel, then places three pouches on a worktable. They clink softly. She reaches two fingers inside one pouch and withdraws a small platinum ingot. "For the man you just killed. He was a good one."

The other three men sheathe their shortswords and back slowly towards the canvas-wrapped crate.

The armorer ignores the woman and her henchmen. Instead he tilts his head as he stares at Achkby and Fizahn, as if not sure what exactly to do with them. The two dogs sit at his feet, cocking their heads in almost the exact same manner.

After a pause he asks, "Can I help you?"