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Thread: What do you expect from D&D?

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    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default Re: What do you expect from D&D?

    Quote Originally Posted by jedipotter View Post
    Well, yes. There are only so many moves in chess. It is a very boring game. You have a set number of pieces, squares and moves. There is nothing new or original about chess. The moves used today, are the same ones used forever...again and again and again. Chess is nothing like a RPG where anything can happen. After all, what do you get together and play with a group D&D or chess?
    It's pretty obvious that you don't know crap about chess, and by extension, it's likely that you also don't know crap about this game.

    What did I miss?
    Just a whole lot of stuff. Like, most of the things I've posted. I think this post is one of the bigger ones that you've ignored.
    So how do you make the game more mysterious when rule X says y happens every time? There can be no mystery with such a rule. How do you make a game more random without changing the rules? The rules say this happens, is not random.
    Pretty trivially. Just make the mystery intrinsic to the setting instead of intrinsic to the rules. I would post examples for you, but I recall a thread from awhile ago where you were questioning the ability to create mysteries in a world with knowledge rules, and people posted a veritable pile of ideas for you that didn't involve house rules, secret or otherwise. Really, there are mysteries in our world all the time, and we mostly know the rules of our world. Not like every single aspect of physics or anything, but it's not like one out of every 20 gunshots spontaneously produces Orcus.

    And you can't balance the game without changing rules, unless you just go ''Ban Happy' and say ''nothing from Core''.
    I would be more likely to ban on a tier basis, because it makes more sense, but the idea is that you change the rules in a completely not-secret manner.
    Last edited by eggynack; 2014-08-30 at 05:40 PM.