@Tonel: Choralia watches you drink the potion and store the rest, along with the pearl.

"I can bring you right next to the halfling, Tonel. That should be very easy to do. Regarding Bavmorda- she is the most powerful of Elenwen's daughters. A master of the arcane. She alone has the power to manipulate the storms in Procan's Garden, as well as having faithful servants from the watery depths of the Styx to aid her. She will prove to be a terrible opponent. And if she's in the fight against them, she most likely has the arcane portections to make sure she isn't put in danger. Whatever you do, Tonel- stay away from her gaze, which can kill. Her spells are no different from any other wizard, but her gaze alone is somethimng few spells can prevent. Fight her with caution. and whatever you do, do not engage her underwater, where her spells will be a lot deadlier."

And so, Choralia places her hand on your shoulder and looks at the bowl as her palace, dimly lit, begins to rumble as the cool breeze changes to an underwater scene.

It';s the Dauphin- and it has been turned belly up. The guys are here, but they are in no condition to fight this hag and her devils.