Session One: The meeting

Venus, arriving in Stormveil, fresh off the several month boat trip across the churning sea, was sent by the halfling nation of Keynar, to inspect a small Adamant mining community that is currently controlled by them, it is referred to as the Adamant post. After some investigation she has found there are a few problems which seem to have all been outsourced to man named Gerod Kalrath, a one legged ex-adventurer. Gerod, being an understandably retired man, has tried to start up a guild to handle these problems, this is where Venus meets Dench and glim.
Gerod informs the group of a problem, they have lost contact with the mining outpost just northeast of town, he hands them a crude map, and has them trek through the jungle nearby, gerod gives Glim a sack of coins to purchase supplies, without looking at the amount he buys 50' of silk rope and give the owner of the store the entire bag later known to have 15 platinum in it.
The trio decides to head towards the outpost, but is caught along the way by a strange wilderness man going by the name of Xzechs. A brief goblin ambush has shown a strange amount of intelligence in these twisted and deformed versions of goblins. On the goblins they find a strange brand on their necks. Xzechs decides to lead the party to elven territory, where they meet with the tribe elder, who sends Xzechs to aid the party.

At this point I should mention the horrible combat prowess of Dench, who has managed to hit himself TWICE. and the lawful neutral monk Glim, and chaotic neutral druid Xzechs while often they agree on what they should do, they will argue for hours over how, before they reach a compromise.(Out of Character, these are the two most experienced players, but the entire group role plays very well) These arguments are generally met with Venus sitting quietly reading and Dench usually sleeping until it is resolved.
Along the path to the Adamant post, they encounter that same symbol etched into several tress and boulders, as they are approaching the mountain base, where the post resides. As the party approaches the Adamant post they encounter six dead miners hanging from vines forty feet above the jungle floor, each of these miners have had their shirts ripped to shreds and the strange symbol torn into their bodies. Upon seeing the bodies, Glim, decides to climb to the top of the nearest tree and cut them down, luckily, Xzechs suggest using a rope. After hours of digging graves and Venus saying a small prayer, the complete the journey to the Adamant Post.

The Adamant Post, is a small community consisting of a large fire, and several tents set up alongside the foot of the large mountain that rests on the island. The party looks over the post and notices, the entire Post is overrun by the strange twisted goblins, at the center of the community sets a wagon filled with sleeping prisoners, a strange cloaked man is speaking to goblins, however, he is too far to hear anything he is saying or to discern any details of his person, he turns and simply walks into the large maw that serves as the mines entrance… And that is where we will end for today.