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    Default Re: Doctor Who Thread VI: "The Very Model of a Gallifreyan Buccaneer" [SPOILERS]

    Spoiler: Robot of Sherwood

    Ok, this was a fun light episode. As long as you don't take it too seriously.

    So The Doctor asks Clara where to go, and she wants to see Robin Hood. So, off they go to Sherwood Forest....of the Errol Flynn's 1938 film The Adventures of Robin Hood.

    Clara just has a grand time in Merry Old England. And The Doctor sure has fun competing with Robin Hood to be more crazy and/or annoying. But it's all fun.

    So the Doctor disarms Robin Hood with a ''Hai'', just like the Third Doctor did all the time. So what the Doctor really using Venusian aikido? Is that what the writers wanted? And if so, why not take like five seconds for the Doctor to say he used Venusian aikido?

    We meet the Merry Men. The Doctor takes a blood sample from Alan-a-Dale, and tells him he only has six months to live. And does nothing. Now, unless The Doctor is joking...you know the ha, ha, funny death joke....I'd point out that a ''good man'' would not just let another die. Not when he could do something to save him. The Doctor does not even try. And, sure, lets say that Alan-a-Dale must die in six months or the Earth will explode or something....then why tell Alan? Why does the Doctor even take the blood sample? And if the Doctor really felt that Alan needed to know...why not have a much more serious heart to heart talk?

    The sheriff is a great villain, a lot like the old Master. The Archery contest was funny...I was waiting for Robin to pull out a Patriot Arrow(or is that too dated now?)

    And they missed a great spot for a great ''Easter Egg''/shout out/nod: To have the Doctor in a sword fight and someone say ''you have no chance I'm the greatest swordsman in Nottingham'' and have the Doctor say ''well, there is something you should know....I'm not from Nottingham'' (from The Princess Bribe by way of Star Trek:TNG: Q-pid.)

    So then the Robots come out of nowhere and need gold to fix their ship. And the Doctor finds the ship and the truth. You get the ''fight at the castle'', where Robin Hood fights and defeats the Sheriff. Now the Sheriff was meant to be a robot/cyborg and get his head cut off....but as Real Life Writes the Plot, they decided to cut that out of the episode. (wonder if it will be on the DVD?)

    The couple of robots escape in their ship, but don't have enough gold to escape....and might blow up England or something. So The Doctor and Robin Hood make up and shot that gold arrow at the ship to...blow it up, high in orbit. Then they says good bye and head off....

    Things That Don't Make Sense: So how does The Doctor not know if Robin Hood is real or not? The Doctor has traveled all over the time and space of Earth and met everyone. And I do really mean everyone. Any person in the whole of history of Earth, The Doctor has met and hung out with. This is what The Doctor does in his free time. It's even more so, when you remember that each and every Doctor goes back and re-meets everyone again for each Regeneration.

    So with The Doctor really, really, really in love with England, more then any place in the world, he just never got around to going to see Robin Hood? Even if The Doctor thought it was a myth, he could still go back to Sherwood forest and see for himself and know for sure.

    So how does The Doctor just land in Sherwood Forest in ''1190ish'' and then just bump into Robin Hood?

    How does The Doctor fight Robin Hood with a spoon? It is a big spoon sure, and it's a funny bit......but you just can't ''sword fight'' with a spoon.

    So the crashed ships damaged engines somehow made the myth and legend of Robin Hood with myth radiation? That is a really odd leak to..um...alter reality.

    So the robots/Sheriff made the taxes so high to get all the gold to fix the ship? Um, they why make that gold arrow?

    And so now we have a second ship of robots from the future heading to ''The Promised Land''. What? Is everyone in the future programing robots with this Promised Land stuff? And how does this ship from the future get lost in the past again? Just like the Deep Breath ones?

    The robots here don't seem to talk....so how did they make a deal with the Sheriff? Was the Sheriff a human, cyborg or robot?

    Missy No Missy? So why did the Sheriff of Nottingham not get to go to ''The Promised Land of Heaven''? Just because the Doctor did not personally kill him? Well, he did not kill Gretchen either, but she ended up there....

    Last edited by jedipotter; 2014-09-14 at 10:18 PM.