Quote Originally Posted by Neon Knight View Post
Since the subject has come up, I've finished the main game and every DLC.... except for Lonesome Road. Since I no longer have a save file in a position to try to tackle it, could someone give me the lowdown on who Ulysses is, and what exactly his deal is?
Ex-Frumentaari that grew disillusioned with the Legion and decided to make a town called The Divide his new home. Unfortunately, the Legion and NCR both noticed The Divide, which was built on top of underground nuclear missile silos. The NCR hired the Courier to deliver a package to The Divide, which contained the launch codes for some of those silos. The Divide got destroyed, and Ulysses became obsessed with you. Then, in his campaign to impress upon The Courier the unforeseen consequences of their actions, he told Elijah where the Sierra Madre was, unwittingly giving him the means to murder dozens of people (Dead Money), he armed the White Legs and accidentally turned them into a powerful raiding party that leveled a city (Honest Hearts), and nearly caused a 1950's B-movie sci-fi apocalypse by shaking the Think Tank, some incredibly intelligent old-war scientists that could take over the world with their 'experimentation.' By accidentally shaking them out of their routine, of course. And at the end of Lonesome Road, he tries to nuke the Legion and NCR back to the Stone Age, because he's decided that they aren't worthy of carrying the symbols of the Old World or some crap.

So, long story short, he's an obnoxious hypocrite that causes a LOT of problems that you, personally, have to fix.