Quote Originally Posted by Yora View Post
I got a bit more specific question: Aside from replicating the effects of modern machines and weapons, what does magic actually do?

I think a well writen magician should not be just a "magic technician" who opens doors, transports loads, or shots down enemies as requested. People who are not just ordinary people with some handy skills. Because in RPGs, that is what they are, and their spells are designed accordingly.
What does a mage do that can only be done by mages and not be accomplished by manual labor?
In the universe that I'm currently running, Magic users are needed to maintain the Mana-powered technology.

This universe is in the midst of "Mana-Powered Industrialization", where mages are needed to oversee and design the etching the sigil circuits, and work with both Engineers, Tinkers and Alchemists in order to design the production-line. Then they are needed to maintain the enchantments on the automatons.

Mages don't need the technology themselves, but those who cannot use magic, including their patrons, are enamored with the convenience of the technology.

The magic has had some... side effects to the environment; apparently mana-magic combining with the alchemic waste products hastens evolution to the beasts outside the city limits, and gives life to the bi-products.