So... I've been having trouble explaining a few Trans* issues to a friend.
They aren't transphobic(as far as I can tell), more... They just don't get a lot of stuff.

Had this conversation earlier, as an example of what I mean(context was that the subject of misgendering trans* or other nonbinary people came up);
[me]: There really needs to be less awkward way to ask which pronouns someone prefers..
[friend]: Perhaps
[friend]: In the civilized way of using the one that looks right for their appearance?
[me]: ...
[friend]: And then changing if they object?
[me]: more I meant asking before you use male or female pronouns.. or it becoming more common for people to use neutral ones
[me]: like "they", "them", or "their"
[friend]: So.
[friend]: Because a minority group would prefer that others change their vocabulary, you feel that the majority should go along with it?
[me]: Let's just stop this conversation..
[friend]: Yeah
[friend]: Sorry.

They did stop the conversation when I asked to stop... But it was still a bit disconcerting. I feel like I'm just not explaining things well enough.