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    Halfling in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Default Re: Werewolf Central IX: Important WW information goes here - READ OPENING POSTS!

    I was thinking of running a Science Fiction themed werewolf game with a somewhat different set of roles and rules. I've already planned most of the details and I'd estimate a minimum number of 20 players to make it work. Although I don't expect it to be terribly unbalanced... I don't expect it to be well balanced either.

    My game will basically "borrow" a lot of ideas from games I've read and played on these forums and others and hopefully I learned something from the mistakes I saw.

    There will be the classical power roles and perhaps a few others but depending on the number of players there won't be any masons. I also intend to add some items. Some of those items will be distributed among those that don't have any powers and some will be earned or found through events. (basically everyone will have the opportunity to pull a surprise out of their hat even if they're not a role). There will be certain events every few day/night cycles. (again depending on the number of players)

    Is anyone interested in participating in something like this? (Not like there are a lot of games about to start at the moment )
    Last edited by Nonayer; 2014-09-24 at 11:45 AM.