The chatter breaks up out of some unspoken mutual agreement as the pack of friends hit the inner halls of school. Naomi parts from the others with a casual wave, her homeroom being on the other edge of school. They likely wouldn't see each other again until after school - it was true that they had been friends since childhood, but Naomi often tried to spend her lunches with other students in her grade (and, of course, on her phone).

Spoiler: Mitsuki, Hinata, Hisoka
You get to homeroom with maybe two minutes to spare - which is enough time to get seated, get comfortable, and chat a little longer about the essay due later this week. Hisoka confesses that hers is already finished, which surprises no-one, but also adds that she'd be happy to help Mitsuki during lunch today.

Koizumi-Sensi - your homeroom teacher - positively floats into the classroom, and just before the bell rings. It's unlike her to be late, and it's also unlike her to grin from ear to ear like that. Good morning, students! She chimes. You hear another student, somewhere in the classroom behind you, whisper her date must have gone well to a chorus of stifled giggles that Koizumi-Sensi doesn't seem to hear. She spends a few more moments organizing her notes and talking about how chivalry isn't dead and the boys in class should keep in mind that the real difference between a boy and a man is how he treats his female companion, and while trips to high-end restaurants certainly aren't a necessity or at least she isn't the kind to demand them, they really are appreciated. Oh! And another thing! she announces without changing tone. We have a new exchange student joining us today. Please join me in welcoming Eiko Maki!

The young woman who opens the door into your classroom looks like someone your age, but the expression on her face is one of calm confidence mixed with determination; an expression you don't often see on a high school girl. She doesn't smile, she doesn't look nervous. She is tall (for your age), her hair is shiny black and long enough to reach past her waist, and her skin is flawless. Please, call me Eiko she bows, very politely, to the entire class but, you swear, she spends the entire time glaring at the three of you. Once she has been introduced she walks between the desks, past two other empty seat, and takes the seat directly behind Hinata, where none of you can see her without turning a full 180 degrees in your seat. That taken care of Koizumi-Sensi continues with her "lesson" as if nothing had happened.

But however paranoid Eiko's glares may have made you, she sits quietly behind you and gives you no call to remember her existence until gym class. You've been doing track and field for the last few months. The three of you are warming up when you see a number of students start running towards where the high-jump. Wow, Eiko-chan! one of the cheerleaders exclaim You just broke the regional record! Those of you who glance over notice that Eiko herself seems unimpressed, despite the praise that her accomplishments have earned from several of the more sport-oriented girls likely trying to recruit her for their teams...

Following gym is lunch. Lunch at Anome High is long - a full hour and a half - and all of the grades take it at the same time to encourage "school spirit," and also because many clubs take advantage of the time slot to meet. In another odd twist of events none of Hisoka's clubs are meeting today, so she can sit with Mitsuki and Hinata as the three eat.

May I join you? You hadn't notice Eiko approach before she spoke. Only the three of you are sitting at your table, so it's impossible that she's talking to anyone else. You may have assumed, with looks and athleticism like hers, that she'd be eating with the cheerleaders, but here she is lunchbox in hand. For the first time she actually does look a little nervous.

Spoiler: Naomi
Your day is utterly normal. Homeroom followed by math followed by English followed by lunch - which is a full half hour long, and all of the grades take it at the same time. That means you could spend it with your friends Mitsuki, Hinata and Hisoka, but more often you spend it with Kazue and Kayo Oshiro - twins, almost (but only almost) as into computers are you are, and a gaggle of another 4-5 friends all from your same grade. They are older than you, but accept you mostly because you know more about computers than any of them. It's not like the friendship you share with Mitsuki, Hinata and Hisoka - it's more like a business arrangement. You help them with some of their more obscure computer problems (which, you admit, you find some degree of satisfaction in), and they talk to you a little when you hang out near them and discuss schoolwork, which makes it look like you've adjusted well and are popular to any worried councilors and, perhaps more importantly, any bullies who might be jealous of your success. None of this was specifically stated by anyone, but you feel it is tacitly understood. After all, however friendly they are to you during school hours you have never been to the Oshiro house, have never met their parents, and have certainly never had pancakes with them in the morning.

During lunch you're vaguely aware of the conversation around you; Isn't Shipiro-senpai funny! You only think that because you like him Ugh, so much math homework! Goyzu-sensei must think we all have no lives since you know he was a total dork in high school. Hey Manami-chan, did you hear there was a new freshman transfer student? She broke your high jump record!Oh wow, maybe that means the gymnastics club will finally stop bothering me to join. Good luck with that! They're completely in love with you! followed by a chorus of giggles. No one has spoken to you directly though, so you mostly keep on with your phone. Out of the corner of your eye you see Mitsuki, Hinata and Hisoka sitting at a table. A new girl, someone you've never seen before, is talking to them. The has long black hair, and even from this distance you can guess that she's quite attractive.