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Thread: LGBTAI+ #52: Aces High

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    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Feb 2010

    Default Re: LGBTAI+ #52: Aces High

    Quote Originally Posted by Irish Musician View Post
    I did this about 2 months ago. However, my weight was MUCH higher than yours

    So, I got my lazy ass up off the couch and started working out. I wouldn't do as much as I am (since I am trying to drop quite a bit more so I am going the heavy cardio and weight lifting route) but go for a run a couple of times a week. Just getting that much more active will kick in that metabolism and help to regulate your weight more. I have had an office job in the past and put on some pounds because of it as well. Sitting at a desk has its advantages, but also can take a toll on your waistline ( of course having my wife's awesome cooking has done that as well )

    It isn't unhelpful or pointless, but when all you do is look at the numbers then you can discourage yourself a bit. Esp if you are trying to lose fat and build muscles like I am doing right now. If I looked at my weight all the time I'd be sad because I am gaining muscle weight, so I am not "losing" as much weight as I think I should be if I were to just base my progress on a scale. BUT I am losing fat weight, which really better translates to inches around rather than pounds (or kilos or stones depends where in the world you are ). For me, it is about getting healthier.....and to look a bit better naked I'll admit

    Well, yes I guess measurements such as that can be used to help notice if you are 'going in the right direction', change blindness is a thing after all, but I think it's really important not to rely on them too much. Based on what you've said, I don't think you guys do, it's just that I've heard so many people follow the logic 'I look X but weight Y, therefore I must be Y', that I suppose I assume that too easily. -_-

    (Beauty ideals in general annoy me too, but since I'm also affected by them myself, I don't think I've got much right to complain about that. Guess I just have to accept them as one of those traits we humans have...)
    Last edited by CWater; 2014-09-29 at 10:51 AM.
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