Quote Originally Posted by Telok View Post
Stopping the world from being overrun by demons was less important than destroying a government that asked them to pay taxes.
Objection! Murderhobos are tax-exempt! By definition - they have no home residence, no citizenship, and no lawful income. They have no fixed assets to be seized other than the gear they carry around, most of which is extremely pointy and hazardous to the health of if you touch my sword one more time you will pull back a stump, do you hear me? They are the most tax-exempt beings imaginable. Even the Undead are more subject to taxation than they are. (And seriously, once you're up and walking around again, you're looking at centuries of back taxes owed... I hope you've got a job lined up, because you're going to need some serious income to pay that off.)

There are two primary reasons to become an adventurer:
  1. See more wealth than most people see in ten lifetimes.
  2. Pay no taxes on it.
Possibly saving the world or destroying ancient evil is a distant third.