Quote Originally Posted by Necroticplague View Post
There are ways to handle sex tastefully (which the BOEF did, to some degree), or hilariously (which Nymphology reveled in), and FATAl does neither.
Love and Sex in the Ninth World did a good job of it.

Had some ideas for Numenera-related posters, but I'd have to do a lot of wading around Google for good images for them, so here's the captions. Got ideas for custom Focuses while watching Burn Notice.

*Picture of Michael Westen*
Michael Westen
A Clever Jack who Has A Way With Words

*Picture of Sam Axe*
Sam Axe
A Charming Jack who Knows A Guy

*Picture of Fiona Glennan*
Fiona Glennan
An Impulsive Glaive who Blows S**t Up