Matthew, I think you misunderstood, they didn't say trans women can't experience misogyny, they said trans men can't experience it, even if they "appear" female.

Mono Vertigo, that islamophobia example is a good argument, thanks!

Lena, thanks for the explanation, that makes it clearer. Though I still have a question, what about stuff like the pay gap? In this instance, male privilege is passive, so how does it affect (closeted) trans women?

Caroline, I know it isn't really important to classify these experiences exactly, I just started thinking when I read this conversation. Also, sorry you had to deal with that. :/

For context, I found the exact posts again:

Spoiler: Spoilered for lenght
B: Could you please explain to me how trans men benefit from male privilege as soon as they identify as male? I thought they only get male privilege if society generally accepts them as male.

A: Nah.

Trans men are male. Therefore no matter what they’re perceived as, they’re still inherently male. Yes, this can cause dysphoria and yes it’s generally ****ty; but with being male comes this sort of “barrier” as its best to explain it for visual learners.

Say a trans man gets misgendered through someone being misogynistic at them. This hypothetical barrier takes this misdirected misogyny and redirects it as transphobia, because only partial/whole women can experience misogyny. When a trans man has misogyny directed towards them or is solely mistaken as female, that’s an act of transphobia because gender roles warp our perception of gender and force this idea of what a woman or man looks like.

And it’s transphobic to strip a trans man of his privilege, because you’re implying that he is “less male” than a cis male. It also implies that cis men can’t face misdirected misogyny as well through presentation as well.

B: I'm sorry, but are you a trans man? Do you know what they experience? Or are you just another person trying to tell us what we can and cannot experience? I will have male privilege when I am out and when I pass, but everything I hear about myself, and women, I feel as thought they're talking to me. I don't know how to be "male". I only know what it's like growing up as a girl. Misogyny does effect me. Don't just pretend these things said don't hurt. It's not something different. It's misogyny.

A: I’m CAFAB and partially non-female.

Misogyny doesn’t effect you. Transphobia does. You’re not partially/fully female so you literally cannot be effected by oppression of women. By saying you experience misogyny is taking away from the actual problem at hand and that is devaluing you as a person based on what they think you are.

You getting perceived as female is misgendering. Therefore, while yes someone is directing misogyny at you, that misogyny is actually them assuming you’re female based on what you look like. That is transphobia.

Gendering strangers is transphobia.

Wanna know how to be male? Identify as one.