Quote Originally Posted by jkat718 View Post
Care to elaborate, and maybe provide some *constructive* criticism? Just saying "this is bad" as a question doesn't make it helpful.

I like the OP's ability progression, but it's really geared towards a "I'm just the base Fighter, but I can spell-bonus my attacks," which works well fluff-wise and makes sense, given the base Fighter's abilities, but (I think) seems underwhelming. Granted, we haven't seen the spell list you're providing, but unless the cantrips are buffed somehow, I think it may be underpowered. Maybe increase the effective slot level (ESL?) for the spell when cast this way? The fluff for this could just be that you imbue your weapon with spell slots equal to your... BAB? INT mod? CHA mod? Not sure here. I agree with Yakk that your progression is essentially just "make an arcane focus," "attacks + spellcasting," "attacks + more spellcasting," "attacks + MOAR spellcasting," which is a little boring. IMO, Yakk went too far in the opposite direction and (to BRKNdevil's point) re-did the class with more OP abilities. Maybe replace an ability (and/or part of another) with the ability to create a lesser Bonded Weapon. Overall, I think my review won't be complete until we can see your spell list. In case you didn't know about it, http://mouseferatu.com/index.php/news/august-8-2014-a-special-gift-for-my-fellow-dd-fans/ could make the process of selecting spells much easier.

P.S. I love the idea of using the Bonded Weapon as an arcane focus, very Bard- or Cleric-esque.
Ok, remember that 5e no longer uses bab and multiple attacks in an Attack action come from class features gained. Most pre gished classes (Valor Bard, Paladin, Ranger) have at most two attacks. The only gish that can have 3 or more attacks is the fighter. Now cantrips scale with character level so that they eventually become the equivalent of a 4 round attack or quite literally in the case of eldritch blast which has 4 individual attacks and the warlock can gain invocations that also add damage like you would with a normal attack. If you were to make a cantrip or any spell take the place of a Bonus Action, that would mean the equivalent of a 8 attack round every round. This is something that 5e is generally trying to get away from. All these ideas for a *fix* take the power level of a eldritch fighter way out of the park into stupidly overpowered.

Generally i agree that Bonded Weapon is a pretty weak ability and I do like the idea of making it the arcane focus of his spells, but after looking and understanding the subclass i can tell that while its top level ability is sort of weak due to the limitations of 4th level slots and the available spells, that the class as is, isn't underpowered at all. The suggestion of removing the spell selection restriction was just something i thought of due to the limitations it puts on a fighter outside of battle and the spell slot fusion idea came out of the fact that a fighter can not buff his own weapon to max power.

As for any other constructive criticism is in my first post and through this entire assessment I was keeping with the original spell list which comes from the wizard's spell list and without the restrictions on spells chosen provides plenty of variation per turn.