[The Toy Tinker]

"Well, if you do wish to go, perhaps I can serve as your second choice of companion," Sticks suggests kindly, without a hint of reproach. Of course he's the lad's second choice. That's not self-depreciating, that's perfectly logical. In any case, the tall man certainly couldn't work up the nerve to go alone. Could he? We might just see. "Ahem. To conclude, Jim. There are to be more more mental practices, having to do with your personal Sigil. I want you to focus on them solely in the time daily you alot for their rehearsal, and I expect the same diligence I'm sure you applied to your learning in school."

[Dragon Inn]

There is a sort of... tick in a generally good person's aura when they lie, but Sticks is a good reader of people as well. Well, if one's going to play at not-quite-lies, he's a savvy enough opponent. The spindly creature narrows his eyes and says, "I am a personal retainer to Lord Ryhe, young lady! I am a consultant on matters magical, and I doubt sincerely that anything you tell me pertaining to Obriane's safety will be information at risk. I can promise my silence, under the threat of our Lord Ryhe's wrath. Now in the interest of saving a young child's soul and, if she is the one of whom we speak, the life of another very nice young lady not unlike yourself, tell me what it is you know."

Oh. My. While not given harshly, that was quite a point he just put forth, and to a total stranger! It takes all of Sticks' resolve not to wither after such an endeavour, but he holds fast, meeting Kanya's gaze. It really wasn't much of a lie - While not a long-serving one, he truly is one of Lord Ryhe's retainers, and a consultant on matters magical. These facts were merely put forth with more authority than they may really carry.