Quote Originally Posted by Benthesquid View Post
Offhand, and blending the Cthulhu Mythos and Dream Cycle, since it's not like they're strictly delineated anywho...

The Great Race of Yith mostly seems interesting in studying humans, via mindswapping with them across ungussed aeons of time. They even go so far as to mind-wipe them afterwards, so they don't get all weirded out.

Ghouls eat people, probably, but mostly people who were already dead, y'know. And people can turn into ghouls- Robert Pickman seems to have. Randolph Carter teamed up with ghouls on a couple of notable occasions.

Night Gaunts want to pick people up, carry them somewhere else while tickling, and then set them down. I can't stress this enough- this is an actual behavior they exhibit.

Zoogs are predatory, but willing to stop and chat with Randolph Carter.

The Deep Ones seems to have some long term goals of conquest, but also seem quite content to spend a couple centuries trading treasure and fish for sex with coastal denizens.

The Moon Beasts are eating people, too, but are going about it by employing the Men of Leng (Satyr like fellows) to trade rubies for slaves.

The ones who are most intrinsic to humanity are often, oddly enough, those least aware of it. Cthulhu isn't planning to wake up and destroy civilization, it's just a likely side effect.
The Nightgaunts however take you to some pretty disturbing places, and that can ruin your day. The Deep Ones and their cultists won't go out and look for a fight, but they will destroy you if you come close enough, so I'd say we can live with them as long as we don't know about them.

As Banthesquid said, however, many of the other species are either predatory, but not actively hostile or will mostly be a nuisance to a few people, like the Great Race. And yes, they basically go around hopping from species to species, outrunning their own doom each time while leaving their old host species to die.

And yes, most of the other species aren't THAT much better off than humans in the long run, but they at least have a clear picture of what's really going on.