[Midnight Park]

Another hit, another chunk of Ashna's awareness siphoned away. She may be starting to feel rather drowsy. The white mist seeps into Requiem, again mending some of her injuries. That's one of the problems with fighting undead (or unliving for that matter) that can drain people. Monsters that constantly heal themselves are really annoying.

The qilin gives another cry of pain as the flames wash over her again, reopening her previous burns and filling the air with the scent of roasted flesh. Much like the evil cleric, Requiem back-peddles to escape the oppressive heat that's causing blisters and deep burns to spread across her. It takes her a few moments to clear the pain from her mind, but once she does she sets her hooves and focuses again.


Because her dawn aura has returned to full strength again.

With a shout she launches another harmony bolt at Ashna. Getting nailed by it would be about as unpleasant as getting blasted by the thing the first time around.