[Midnight Park]

"Whoever you're talking to, don't apologize. You didn't try to help."
The evil cleric lifts the hammer to finish off the pony, and hesitates. The monster is defeated. It won't come after her. She doesn't need to eat it; it probably isn't even edible! It called those shadows in. And supposedly its creator did something even the First couldn't do.
The flames collapse back to a small patch around Ashna's feet, merely warm.

"I'm sorry I was not there to save you, either time."
Reaches out to touch the shadeling, and attempts to conjure a band of cool, solid fire around her neck.
"Be healed."
And a physical-based, non-thaumaturgic healing effect should come over both of them.

"I realized the bird and I were in complete agreement about what to do here. That usually means I'm <censored> up whatever it is. So you get another chance, though I still can't just let you off. You can't just go around 'freeing' undead to join you."