AMEN - A Dark Horizon:

A figure not seen since long ago in this place can be noticed stepping out of a particularly expensive looking orange sports car nearby. The man appears to be dressed in an extravagant suit of orange and white, as is customary for the man the suit belonged to. He adjusts the large white wide-brimmed hamburg hat upon his head, bringing it down to cover his eyes from the sun as he does so. With one hand in his pocket, a cane in the other, he makes his way towards AMEN after looking both ways to ensure no one was nearby.

About halfway there, he takes a small lighter out of his pocket along with a rather long cigar. Incidentally, this was the same brand of cigar a younger Magtok used to burn Marciano Louv're alive so long ago. The man lights up the cigar and sticks it in his mouth, taking a long puff before placing the lighter away once more. He'll find himself at the door to AMEN in a few minutes, dressed in his usual. Marciano will knock upon the doorway with a gloved hand, rat-a-tapping a little tune against the door.

Should someone open up, they'll be greeted by the short man. For those who don't know him well, he looks to be a man in his forties, with a long and thin pencil mustache, waxed to perfection. A bit of a goatee can be seen, and orange-tinted shades cover up eyes of dark blue. A hat tops his head, and his long brown hair reaches down to his neck. He'll puff his cigar before blowing the smoke in the door-openers face, speaking to the individual.

"Hey there, open up. I gotta see the boss.

Got a proposition for 'im."