[Midnight Park]

Sunder would know. But she wouldn't necessarily be aware of which of her little ponies died or where they died. Requiem was hoping that knowledge would put enough fear into Ashna that she would leave her alone.

The qilin can hear the cleric approaching, her feet tramping on the ground. She still has a chance. One last trump card she can try. But after that... after that she's all out of options. When Ashna reaches for her, Requiem causes her head to melt into a pool of liquid gloom. The mass of devouring darkness springs at Ashna's hand like a coiled serpent, aiming to lash around the limb and begin greedily devouring her awareness. Healing damage really doesn't do her a whole lot of good right now, but her gloomy touch carries with it more than just wisdom draining this time around.

She's also trying to cause Ashna to sink into a deep, dreamless slumber.

If she can put Ashna to sleep, she should be able to ooze her way over to her body and...

Maybe make it liquify too?

And then put herself back together?

Requiem honestly has no idea whether or not that's how her gloom form ability works. But it's worth a shot...