[Park Park]

The usually tidy park has overspilled it's bounds, the tidy expanses of green and winding sidewalk trails vanishing under towering hedge-walls that sprouted up overnight. Vines and thorns weave together into impassable barriers, leaning crookedly together to form winding passageways, plastic gargoyles leering down from atop the walls. Pumpkins grin glowing smiles on the road up to the entrance. It's a hedge maze, as enjoyed by children and grudgingly endured by their chaperones everywhere.

Only, nobody's enjoying this one.

Somebody's gone and put up rolls and rolls of yellow caution tape around the whole place.

The walls are sprouting strange flowers, petals streaked with electric splashes of blue and purple. Smaller white flowers cling to the vines and glow faintly in the moonlight. The whole park has a sickly, cloying smell of perfume, and people say they've seen the walls shift and change. Some go so far as to suggest the plants tried to grab them. Yesterday, the local volunteer fire department had to go and rescue a toddler from the maze - and they needed to bring their axes to do it.

Could this festive Halloween celebration have turned into a haunted death trap?

Well, yeah. And nobody's surprised.