Quote Originally Posted by Beans View Post
[Alley Fulla Trashcans]
There is a something laying on the ground in this alley fulla trashcans.

It looks like a hoomin, or at least a hoominoid, in a suit of combat armor on the sleek-and-sciencey side, complete with featureless helmet and product codes on the armor plates. Oddly, it has eight sleeves for the arms.
Thankfully, its occupant has eight arms for the sleeves.
Flopped on the ground, the thing moves just a little, breathing painfully.
The hoomin may be surprised to spot a possibly utterly adorable spider approach her, as big as a dog, non threatening and absolutely adorable I think!
Then again, it may not be surprising and the lady might have crippling arachnophobia. I don't know!