[Midnight Park]

Nah, the sleep lasts until some of the wisdom damage is healed. Which... generally takes a day. Barring outside magical interference.

Before long pegasi begin showing up with clouds and begin dumping water on the flames. Given the magical nature of the fire, they probably won't have much luck putting the source out. Eventually one of them lands to see what's going on and finds Nightlight still sobbing over a headless corpse.


That's something to go fetch the Mistress over.

A few minutes later the massive, imperious looking pegasus lands, eying the flames for but a moment before moving to kneel down next to Nightlight. The sobbing unicorn looks at her with a blank expression before burying his face in her feathers. "She was my friend..." he chokes out, his voice hoarse from crying.

Sunder gently nuzzles at his ear. "She was a friend to us all, my little pony. Requiem won't be forgotten."

"She... she was so kind and friendly. Why would anyone want to hurt her?" Nightlight asks.

The nightmære shakes her head sadly. "I don't know, my little pony. But I intend to find out." She rises to her hooves, approaches the crackling flames, and then hauls back to punch them with one of her front hooves. There's a pretty good chance Sunder just knocked out the flames. That or straight up destroyed them. Her Talent is pretty scary.