I like Warblade. **ducks**

Okay, okay, I'll be serious. I'm rather fond of Shadowcaster if you use the author's fix, as well as Truenamers if you completely overhaul it like Kyeudo et al. did.

Quote Originally Posted by Phelix-Mu View Post
I'm quickly warming up to incarnate, but first I have to specify getting rid of the awful "soul energy" fluff. I don't want radioactive souls or all the strangeness that emerges from some uses of souls being explicitly evil, except for anything from this book, which can even be good!
You could use the FR fluff: It's related to Heavy Magic. (As I understand it, normal magic is sort of like neutrinos—everywhere but not interacting with anything except in special circumstances. Heavy Magic is like if you could take neutrinos, slow them down, and stick them in jello.) Or my world's fluff, that it's raw magical energy reacting to the meldshaper's soul, which I just realized looks like a lot like I cribbed it from that article.