The bartender's eyes bulge at the gold, and he snatches it up and tucks it away quickly, before fumbling around for change.

At length, he plops a pile of silvers before you, along with a bit of parchment with a number on it, and an iron key, smiling giddily.

"Ye'll be in room 4, upstairs at the end o' tha hall. An' be sure te let me know if'n there's anythin' else I kin do fer ye."


The barkeep doesn't bother to note the stamp on the gold coin, nor does he make any reaction at receiving a password... Either the halfling lied, or he's pretty good at these sorts of deals.

The parchment beneath the key reads "Room 4" in bold print across the front.

The back is clearly intended to have been left blank, but in a scrawled hand, reads "knock three times".