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    Eldritch Horror in the Playground Moderator
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    Default Re: Dreamscarred Press Announces: Path of War Expanded

    Quote Originally Posted by squiggit View Post
    Can you be specific? I just dug through the champion and guardian and only saw a couple abilities that looked problematic.
    All of the Champion's Strike abilities (Distant Barrage, Fleet Charge, Sudden Attack) specify a melee or ranged attack as part of their action, as do the Marshall's Decisive Strike and all of the Trickster Attacks (Deadly Throw, Fleet Charge, Surprise Strike). The Archmage and Heirophant, obviously, do nothing for PoW, and I honestly shouldn't count them at all in my total - so of all the thematically appropriate Mythic paths, the Guardian is the only one who is actually capable of using all of its its 'core' mythic abilities effectively, and the two offensive-oriented ones can't use any of them. That just feels wrong, even if most of the abilities gained from increasing your tier are generic enough that an initiator isn't actively penalized for choosing them.

    It'd be a very simple fix to add into a book or supplement, just a clause/section...a page, at most...detailing how to incorporate PoW into a Mythic game. Let Initiators with a Mythic Path use Strikes in place of melee/ranged attacks triggered by expenditure of Mythic Power, and it'd cover almost all the problems. Maybe fill out the rest of the page with a couple of Universal Path abilities or Mythic initiation feats that are juiced-up versions of normal class-specific feats similar to existing mythic feats, but that would just be extra gravy (in addition to feeling uncomfortably like a self-plug for the stuff I submitted in the DSP forum).
    Last edited by The Glyphstone; 2014-10-19 at 08:25 PM.