Quote Originally Posted by Jayngfet View Post
...of course, this still doesn't fix the issue that Legion was obviously meant to be included earlier. He has lines for early quests he physically can not be there for even included in the game itself.
Yeah, though that's a problem of too many characters. Paring the team back to Shep, Miranda, Jacob*, Garrus, Tali, Mordin, and Legion and spending multiple missions with each of them would have been better (with their loyalties being variables based on outcomes of multiple missions not binaries contingent on single instances).

It's not even like the variety of characters induced variety of stories, everyone's loyalty mission except Jack, Garrus and Legion basically boils down to "And then Shepard sorted out X's daddy issues". (and don't try and nitpick over Samara, and Mordin is basically favourite protege rather than biological son but it's the same damn thing. And no, Grunt doesn't count either because his issue is that he didn't have a daddy)

* Spare writing time could be used to give him a personality.