Eirien removes her hand from her mouth and watches Sar'tul with growing suspicion and derision, that reaches a crescendo as he mocks her ability. She stands completely rigid until the chance comes to let these loose, and although she attempts to remain deathly serious, a babbling, sing-song tone creeps throughout her speech.

"Hmm..! Mind, you did seek out 'random sell-swords from the roadside', I recall the advertisement. There was no such request for seduction or confidence artists; if you expect us to find the information you need by deception alone, I must question your 'strategy'.

"The simple solution is to take your ex-members down swiftly and silently, isolated, under cover of darkness. From there, they would be bound, gagged, and hidden in sackcloth, and carted to a safe house of yours, to await any 'inquiries'."

She starts to take a deep breath, but then quickly finishes,"You need not remind us that things can go wrong."