Quote Originally Posted by Ramshack View Post

The idea behind this was to make a Holy Version of the Warlock using the same Divine Patron , Pact Boons and Pact Magic Features.

I used the Archangels from Diablo is my Patrons simply because I've been working on a Diablo Campaign lately.

A couple design concepts I wanted to keep in mind while creating this class are as follows:

  • A sword and Shield Fighting Style
  • A versatile character with Tank, DPS and Control Options.
  • Three unique and flavorful Arche Types
  • I did not want to duplicate the Paladin
  • I did not want to overshadow the Paladin
  • Wanted to favor melee over spells

I know the Invocations (Blessings) need the most work. I really would love some great ideas on these. Spell list could also use some consolidation.

My initial thoughts are I'm happy with the class, I currently think it's pretty balanced, some features may be a little under whelming.

Let me know what you think, I'd appreciate constructive criticism and any suggestions I'd hope you first refer to my design concepts and keep those in mind.

Thanks everyone.
I agree with Pramxnim, this overshadows so many in battle with offensive, defensive, and control options it really needs to be cut down.
1. The 5e Paladin shouldn't be your point of balance here. While other mundanes are still competitive its ability to deliver heavy and save-suck type hits are immense. Additionally many of its spells and oaths bring in a lot of defense.
2. While I believe the Warlock has a bit of a clunky design and a bit of a haphazard treatment with invocations it at least has a few good things to keep it from being the all-character. One is that its Pact Boons are strictly tied with certain invocations. This means that a Pact of the Tome couldn't possibly be a melee gish because its specialty is utility casting allowing it to use any spell that is a ritual and the Extra Attack as well as Charisma bonus damage was strictly tied with the Pact of the Blade. Yours has no such restrictions with any Archetype or Aspect can be used in whatever way and you will still be a melee, defense, and control monster.
3. If you are going to keep the Warlock design and melee base you might have to consider not having 6-9 spells and stagger the spell levels out while ressurrecting the more powerful spells in your Angels. This would also entail that you would move the archetypes to later levels.