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Thread: Fairy Tail Thread 3: Demon-ex Machinus

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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Fairy Tail Thread 3: Demon-ex Machinus

    Quote Originally Posted by lord_khaine View Post
    That is a really interesting theory, i will try and read though again myself to check that out. Do you have anything else to support it besides Yuriy's reaction?
    I would also like to say that it is entirely possible that Mavis doesn't KNOW that Zeira is an illusion, and created and maintained her subconsciously.

    A few things:

    1) We saw what appeared to be a death scene of Zeira on-panel, complete with Mavis acting like she died - to the point that she cried for the first time in her life. Then we cut past a time skip and see her walking and talking, with absolutely NO explanation for her miraculous recovery. Mavis' desire to meet the fairies (and thus the determination not to cry) was pretty much the central point of her entire life. Why would she violate basically the dream of her entire life by crying over somebody that isn't dead?

    2) Zeira has so far interacted with nobody but Mavis and done nothing unless Mavis explicitly tells her to.

    3) Yuriy's reaction in chapter 3 is not the reaction of somebody being introduced to a girl. It's the reaction of somebody along the lines of, "What the **** is going on here". It certainly isn't the reaction of meeting somebody's friend (since he already met Mavis, the shock factor of finding somebody on an abandoned island should not be there). This adds on top of the fact that he was shocked there was another girl at all - despite there being several panels of Zeira saying things to Mavis while she is standing right in front of him, and him not noticing her spying on them for a rather extended period of time - the entire time they were playing the game, following them all the way across the island to the Tenrou Jade shrine, and then boarding the ship, all without Yuriy realizing there is somebody else there?

    4) In fact, Zeira managed to remain totally unseen to ALL of the members of the crew the entire time on the island, even though she was following them, and then she managed to board the ship unseen to all of them. A 13ish year old girl remaining unseen to an entire party of rather powerful mages, even managing to board their ship without being seen, strains credibility unless there is something else going on.

    This implies that at the time, Mavis is the only one that could see or hear her. When she told Zeira to come out, she 'activated' the illusion so other people could see her to (again, Mavis may not even be aware that she IS an illusion).

    5) During the game, Yuriy was analyzing the room so he could say facts about her. You'd think he'd realize there were signs that a second person lived there - unless Zeira is leaving no physical signs behind. This is a pretty big thing, given that he was counting on the information he gleaned from the room giving him important facts about Mavis.

    6) Mavis now has demonstrated the ability to use illusion magic, to a degree that she can fool one low class and one at least middle class mage (the Blue Skull bartender and Precht). Yuriy seems to be the leader of the group, which implies that he is a much stronger magician at this time, so it stands to reason if anybody were going to see through the illusions it was going to be him.

    7) Zeira has worn EXACTLY the same outfit the entire time. While not necessarily unusual for a manga character, in three chapters Mavis so far has worn 3 different outfits (white dress on the island, black shirt and skirt on the ship, black dress in the town) - Mavis' outfit changes contrast rather drastically with Zeira always wearing the same outfit.

    Those are the big ones that I've noticed.
    Last edited by Olinser; 2014-10-23 at 08:51 PM.


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