Quote Originally Posted by Razade View Post
That's not what the translation I read said, though it does say Brats plural. However they pan to where she's supposed to be standing in the previous chapter and she's not there. What's the point of panning around the room?
The line is indeed unspecific... without having knowledge of japanese I'm going to guess it's more arbitrary in the original wording. We'll see.

Anyway, new chapter of the normal story.

I was about to say "nothing happens", except Mard still proves to be way too powerful for the DS but then the last page had at least something to keep me interested: Mavis frozen in a crystal if Lumen Histoire. So... because Mavis is so popular Hiro will bring her into the main cast...?

Also, I wish Mard "getting angry" would have had a different consequence than just... more thorny vines.