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    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default Re: **league_of_legends_thread_62: show_running_gag_title("The Wins Of Winthur");

    Oooo, time to talk about aether being bad at Twisted Fa... Er... Top laners, I guess. *Wanders off to watch games and take down notes*

    First game: 2:20ish, you're both in wave, he walks up to you at level 1, uses Q, and you don't immediately auto-E-auto walk away for some reason?
    2:50 also could have traded. with auto E auto.
    3:10 same
    3:17 he is now a couple hundred hp above you, when you should have been roughly even, at the very worst. Even if it's not a favorable trade, Irelia WILL return damage on an enemy melee champion, and for not really any mroe damage than you were taking anyway for the trades. Especially because you have a flask, and therefore incentive to burn your mana, it seems like a no-brainer to me.
    Why did you back at about 4minutes? There's no big power spike in items you're getting there, and he hasn't gotten you to anywhere near low enough health to have significant kill pressure.
    You then trade with him when he has 4-5 minion advantage as soon as you had JUST blown teleport. Waiiiii
    He shoulda blown your flash at 4:40, you were easily within yank range and wayyyy to low hp.
    Missing cannon minion at 5 minutes hurts me inside.
    5:50 he walks up to a ton of your minons and Qs them. If you had immediately E'd, then forced a trade with him, he would have either had to take minion aggro and you likely could have won, or you got free damage off.
    Random note that I prefer Dshield to Dblade on Irelia these days.
    6:05 you take a Q for no damn reason
    You absolutely need to work on your under-tower CS. Irelia's CSing is incredible, and should almost never miss a single minion even under tower. You'd be much closer to even with the Darius I think if you hadn't missed all the ones you could have gotten.
    7:05 had opportunity to stun him under tower range with his passive on you, woulda been a free 300 or so damage on him.
    9:12ish you and fiddles used your CC at the same time, also you failed your Q on a minion and so couldn't Q onto him and thus had to flash for it.
    About 10 minutes you TP'd back to lane for about 4 cs, which might have been ok since you could have frozen lane right next to your tower and denied him some CS maybe, but your jungler has no pressure so far at all, and Darius is feeling really confident in the lane, so I'm kind of iffy on that even. TP for like 4 CS is almost never worth.
    You take a couple more Darius Qs without trading back much/at all
    11:10ish you coulda put a lot more damage down on him, since your E was coming back up. Possible kill if he misplayed by even a little. Not sure why you didn't take it.
    You're reasonably lucky he keeps pushing the wave out instead of making it push at him or freezing it farther back, considering how hesitant you have been to get near him and trade with him.
    Why'd you ult 12:40ish?
    Yeah, probably shoulda followed that TP.
    Also probably woulda picked up just a cloth armor when I saw the brut on Darius. 300 gold to negate the extra armor pen and a little more is a really nice investment, IMO.
    At some point here your team kind of just falls apart, despite not actually being that far behind at least to start with. Also you keep walking top lane when you'd be wayyy more valuable elsewhere.

    I'll do the second game tomorrow. Sleeeeeeeeeeeeepy.
    Last edited by Manticoran; 2014-10-28 at 05:17 AM.