Quote Originally Posted by Jay R View Post
Don't make any bets. This story is sufficiently complex that anything might become relevant.

I never thought we'd get back to the polearm salesman, but we did.

There was a brief reference to Elan's father in Strip 50, good for only two panels, but he eventually showed up again.

And as soon as you deduce what the MitD's species is, you'll know that we haven't seen the last of Baron Pineapple, either, and why it's important that Laurin's daughter Hannah is a plumber.
This was the mistake I personally made when l was....slightly irked by It Was Not. I didn't realize that Bandana was actually going to be around for a while (I figured the "racing to the gate" thing would take maybe 4 strips at most) and it seemed at the time like Bandana was thrown into that scene just to serve as a "token homosexual character" and that irked me. Since then, more time has been spent with Bandana on-screen, if you will, so I now understand that she's a minor character that will be around for a bit longer at least, so the backstory is entirely justified, IMHO.

TL; DR: I misjudged Bandana's relevance initially. But now that I know she's important to the story it's cool.