Quote Originally Posted by Silus View Post
Okay so on my list of prospective games to run when my turn in the DMing rotation comes up is a NWoD game set in the Fallout setting (or one very close to it). All the splats will be active I think, and I'll be using the Mirrors book to help facilitate the transition from modern setting to a post-apoc setting, but I'm kinda unsure as to what issues there would be with the setting change. My experience with WoD is limited, and I've never run a WoD game, so some general advice would be appreciated.
I may be a little far off since this was a month ago, but if you want I did a Fallout nWoD conversion with a few changes to match the setting.

Character Sheet

Players Guide

There are some spelling errors, but of course I didn't find them till after I converted it to a PDF ages ago.