Quote Originally Posted by ghanjrho View Post
Either PHBII or Unearthed Arcana had the three variant paladins: Paladin of Freedom (CG), Paladin of Tyranny (LE) and Paladin of Slaughter (CE), with the default LG paladin being Paladin of Honor. Pretty simple conversions, all told. Basically just run a find-and-replace for good and law(ful) with your alignment corner.
Paladin of HonorPHB SentinelDr#310 Paladin of FreedomUA
EnforcerDr#310 IncarnateDr#310 AnarchDr#310
Paladin of TyrannyUA
CorrupterDr#312 Paladin of SlaughterUA

The variants in Dragon are a bit more different from the standard paladin than the UA ones are (although those have their own quirks) - the Corrupter's Smite Heathen targets divine spellcasters of other faiths and can use Turn Undead-like mechanics to turn off divine spellcasting, for instance, the Despot gets Leadership instead of a mount and can sicken/nauseate at-will through Turn Undead-like mechanics, rather than a special mount the Incarnate can summon elementals...

Most of them aren't that good, of course, since they've got a tiny spell list and none of the ACFs that Paladins of Honor have.