Quote Originally Posted by Gemini476 View Post
Or having a chaotic discipline based on random chance and risk vs. reward, with a lawful discipline based on exclusively static numbers and rigid effects and strict orders and oaths.

Like, imagine a [Lawful] stance that forces you to Take 10 on attack rolls. Or a [Chaotic] strike that causes infighting in the ranks of the opponents. Or exploding dice, or [Lawful] mind-control, or [Chaotic] attacks that target 1d4 enemies, or make 1d4-1 extra attacks in a Full Attack like that chaotic monk in Dragon Magazine (#335, if you wonder.)

...Maybe I should just homebrew this instead. I think I remember something about a gambling discipline, so I'll take a look at that.
Devoted Spirit had some Lawful and Chaotic maneuvers. Lets see here...

Law had a 1/round "take 11" stance and a charge that granted +5 to AC and saves when used against a chaotic creature.

Chaos had an exploding damage dice stance and a charge that granted total concealment when used against a lawful creature