[Somewhere Awful - Tanya]

After a few more minutes of silence Sharps finally crawls out from under the bed.

First thing that's apparent about him?

He doesn't look transparent anymore. Not a brain floating in a ghostly, monstery body. Just a little fluffy monster with a bone mask. That probably means something, but the meaning isn't immediately obvious. "Fine..." he huffs. "But I don't know if that same trick will work again. And we don't have any way to get past those worms now, not unless we find another fire extinguisher."


Sure is too bad they went and lost all their stuff.

Funny thing, Tanya could have collected the blood from those giant dead worms and used that to quickly buy some stuff instead of derping around with her spear trying to break the glass. Whoops!

What does Tanya do?

[Somewhere Awful - Precipice]


In the waiting room?

There's a nurse in there.

And there's also a vaguely anthropomorphized large intestine. It's about as disgusting as one might expect such a thing to be. Seriously. Just totally nasty. The nurse doesn't seem to be killing Precipice on sight, so it would appear as though his lanyard is working! That's a good thing at the very least. Should he so desire, buying some real shampoo should be relatively easy!

What does Precipice do?