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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    May 2014

    Default Re: Simple Q&A for Pathfinder 3: Find With a Vengeance

    Quote Originally Posted by Fax Celestis View Post
    Q477 Are there any means to adjust "any d20 roll"? Specifically looking for bonuses or penalties that don't care about what kind of check they are. Rerolls for similar circumstances also apply.
    Just off the top of my head, Luck Domain's Bit of Luck power gives a roll-twice-and-take-favorable to any d20 rolled in the next round, no matter how many. Its 6th level power also allows you to reroll any d20. Combined with Headband of Fortune's Favor, it could make for quite devastating number of rerolls.

    Pugwampi's Grace does the opposite (reroll-and-take-worse) to any d20 roll.
    Lucky Number allows you to reroll or +2 if you roll the number determined at the time of casting again within the duration of the spell. Explicitly, it says it's applicable regardless of what type of dice you get the number on, so you can get situations of getting an 8 from a d6.
    Borrow Fortune
    Ill Omen
    Last edited by Oneris; 2014-11-04 at 03:46 PM.