Quote Originally Posted by Aotrs Commander View Post
In my opinion, if you're using the Mako to do anything other than drive around, you're doing it wrong. You can kill eveything on foot with your sniper rifle, given a bit of patience (and, in the case of Thresher Maws, a lot of strafing round in a big circle - pretty much the same way you do in the Mako) and you get much more XP for it. My last couple of playthroughs, I killed EVERYTHING on foot.
If you're a Bastion, you can freeze Thresher Maws with Stasis, and bullets can still hurt them. Easy pickings

Quote Originally Posted by Kiero View Post
The epilogues give little hint of anything at all. Seriously, we have a montage sequence of images showing some general notions of things happening. Pretty much everything you assume about what they say about indoctrination is entirely fabricated and baseless speculation.
What they show us is that the galaxy is at peace. The large-scale indoctrination you seem to want would render that outcome impossible. At best, indoctrination leaves organics as mindless husks incapable of higher thought, and at worse it makes them actively psychotic and violent, as we saw with the Salarians on Virmire or Rana Thanoptis.

So yes, barring a retcon I have plenty to go on. What indoctrination may persist clearly was not enough to derail galactic recovery or progress, and therefore can be dismissed.