There are many with poor execution, I'll try to stick with concepts I find lame. Obviously I'm boiling their concepts down in a slightly derisive manner.

The Fated (Planar Handbook) You believe in the survival of the fittest, so wait for the prophesied one who's really confident and charming.

Ardent Dilettante (Planar Handbook) Taste all the things!, smell all the things! You enjoy things more than other people and tell them about it.

Avenging Executioner (Complete Scoundrel) Someone broke your heart or wronged you in same way and you deal with it by becoming a psychopathic murder. Or "What if Batman killed people?"

Fortune's Friend (Complete Scoundrel) I've always been lucky, and through skill and hard work I'm luckier than ever!

Survivor (Savage Species) You've been oppressed and enslaved. Want to learn how to fight back? Nope, I didn't think so. Get good at surviving, and get those nasty thoughts of resistance or revenge out of your head.

Metamind (Expanded Psionics Handbook) Learns how to do low level stuff really well for a few minutes and in the name of unlimited power.