A thorough search reveals little else in the chamber although some sense can be made of it. At the base of now rapidly fading pool of acid you can see an exotic looking bottle of some kind that the mages quickly realise must be an elemental bottle. From the looks of the lair the mother dragon - wherever she may be, although rumoured dead - appears to have been a budding and skilled alchemist. Her 4 children less so! Its possible that the elemental bottle containing an elemental water spirit was mixed with alchemy to produce the strange undead acid wraith. THe vast piles of melted and corroded loot a suggestion that the dragons would not have wished that upon themselves.

At the note, the name rips in Amy's mind as she recalls a strange Temple come hostel in the old town of Alhaster where various charitable peoples looked after the sick and ill with no money. That had been named the Sinner's Sanctumn. Or at least it had been 70 years ago!