NPC Memorial Park

Thank you, I'll have to consider what would be the most useful. Douglas takes the rod and holds it while thinking about what Zane just said. It wasn't looking like he could run the pyromancer as an agent. No good motivations of greed or glory to take advantage of. But... there were other advantages to be gained. He could settle for those with the greatest degree of safety. He wasn't sure he dared to risk the pyromancer turning on him if he was brought on for the long term. All right, here's what I'm going to do. In one week, I will call you and set up another meeting. At that time, I will offer you a job. Most likely a person or place for you to burn to ashes, but I need time to figure out the details. In addition, I will bring one thousand dollars for every dossier of an AMEN member you can write up and bring to me then. Their names, descriptions, strengths and weaknesses... everything you can get. I want, at the very least, a report on the current leader. That's a solid grand. I doubt AMEN has ten active members anymore, but if they do and you get me their information, that'd be ten thousand in cash. Understand? Easy money, right?