
Young Nick pouts. "That was only one answer." he says before popping the candy into his mouth. He looks like he's about to say something else, but is temporarily distracted by the heaven happening in his mouth. Nick Prime takes the question.
"This is Inside. It's a city where things end up from other places. Fortuna here accidentally brought you here, but what she did to do that might send you back soon. I'll take care of you 'til that happens, okay? And even if it doesn't."

Young Nick looks down at the smiling face of the bird-thing who sounds like his dad. After a second or two, he nods. Living on the borders of the NCR means that you're living knowing that at any point some psycho might show up and blow up your place. He's not as despondent as other kids might be at the concept of being separated from his family. And he doesn't know why, but these two do sound like they mean well.
"Why do you think I want that?" he asks, suddenly acting to the contrary of the nod he just gave, as in remembering that he's supposed to do so.

"Because I know basically everything about you, including what you like and your name."
"Because I'm magic. And if you're good I'll teach you how to be what I am. Before you ask why you'd want to, it's because griffins can fly, and flying sounds awesome and you know it." he says, sarcastic grin spreading.
Young Nick crosses his arms and huffs, defeated, because that all did sound pretty accurate.