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Thread: How do wizards solo epic monsters?

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    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default Re: How do wizards solo epic monsters?

    I don't even really understand the question. You use spells. You don't need crazy tarrasque plans, partially because spells are already great, and partially because the tarrasque is not great. Seriously, it dies against an allip, and fails to interact with anything with flight. If you're facing epic monsters, then use epic spells. Epic spells are better than all the things. Hell, normal spells are better than most things. What is this monster that you need a crazy plan for?

    Is the problem this xixecal fellow? You have the ability to be astrally projected from a personal demiplane, followed around by an army of ice assassins (accessed through zodar wishes), with shapechange granted spontaneous access to most things in existence. And that's without epic magic. This creature doesn't even have a serious way of threatening you. Coming up with a plan to kill it eventually is trivial with anything with 9th's.

    Edit: Actually, let's just look at the particular creature. He's not immune to a bunch of stuff. He has a low will save. I guess you can cast imprisonment on him. Use action shenanigans and some buffs to make it happen. Fight complete.
    Last edited by eggynack; 2014-11-14 at 10:32 PM.