[Med Lab]

I am sorely disappointed in you, Sophie. Succumbing to diabolic influences when you're supposed to be my role model. Toby shakes his head at the sad state of the world today, when people imbibe magical substances to go on dates with someone they would not ordinarily be attracted to. Far more immoral than simply smothering one's degenerative desires in honest labor. Did Sophie not get the ascetic memo about GLoG? So what club does she strip at, this "Trick"?


His father thinks you're a criminal. Not strictly true; Tony knows that Toby is a criminal with few compunctions about breaking the law and, in a later conversation, remarked out loud that Jamie took after her father in many aspects. Neither Tony nor Toby, Kevin nor Hadrian, actually know that Jamie has been getting offscreen lessons in roguery from Ally. Let me finish this. He puffs on his cigarette, sending his sister the mental image of Kevin with some pious and polite Nomosian, one who is meek and demure with a formal education and proper etiquette. He also makes the mental image taller and curvier, because he is making up an Anti-Jamie, after all.