I don't think what they are doing, is immoral per se. I mean there are basically two things you can do with most of these guys. Either lock them up within you unescapable jail cell, or kill them. Most of the guys they have encountered have shown themselves to be irresponsible with the powers that they have gotten. The stand in for the police force, The detective, has already brought up the fact that they should let the authorities handle it. He has also said, that they aren't able to do anything about it. Most of the people that have been shown so far could break out of normal prison easily. They also have done things that would be hard to prove in a normal court trial. Also, they are guilty of crimes. They are seen to be doing it, the proof is there. It's not like good ole Berry Allen is just picking out random people and throwing them into a dungeon. They aren't bringing them into a cell and torturing them for giggles. I suppose the argument could be made that they are abducting people and performing medical research without consent. I contend that they are treating this as an outbreak. If they had the Authority, they would be within the rights to hold people and try to find a way to treat what the disease. That is basically what is going on here, Quarantine. There is a threat to the general populace, and the normal authorities aren't equipped to handle it.

This this is a show about a Vigilante. Heck all shows about Vigilantes are by their very nature Unethical and Immoral.

My problem with this whole situation is that they aren't reporting what happen to anyone. There was a huge accident, and all this stuff happen to so many people, but still no one is told about it. The company is trying to clean up it's mess without having to pay the consequences. What you have here, is Erin Brockovich with superpowers.