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Thread: Zodi Plays: Sproggiwood

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    Titan in the Playground
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Default Re: Zodi Plays: Sproggiwood

    You don't get two resurrections from the same pair; there's only one resurrection going on there. The designers already prevented that from happening by not letting a resurrected fish take an action.

    That said, I don't disagree with your point about the speed. The fact that the action is turn-based, but takes place over the course of a tenth of a second or two, does not for clarity make. (In the designers' defence, this model is pretty standard for a roguelike, and slowing down the turns could very easily make the game unbearably tedious if handled poorly.)

    But I don't agree that it wasn't intended to happen that way. I think it's pretty clear that Happy Mate Fish are supposed to be frustrating to deal with; if they wanted to make them simpler, they probably would have had resurrection take place at the end of the fish's turn, instead of the beginning. (And really, this is a roguelike; if you don't have at least one enemy that makes your players curse at the screen, you're doing something wrong.) Yes, your (1) would make the fish easier to kill, and it would prevent this kind of situation... but I think it's being too nice.

    Then again, aside from Sproggiwood, the main roguelike I've played is ADOM.
    Last edited by Sallera; 2014-11-25 at 10:23 AM.
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