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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2006

    Default Re: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. III: Cut off one thread, two more shall take its place

    Varies by employer. Where I work (a 24/7/365 tech center), it's one of a series of days we can choose to take as a "floating" holiday. I put that in quotes because most of the days on the list are religious holidays, and it's a cheap way for the company to say they accommodate religion without favoring it. Black Friday and MLK day are the two 'secular' holidays on the list.

    And... for Pity's sake, we're debating the dog again?
    Last edited by TheEmerged; 2014-11-25 at 09:14 PM.
    • Sometimes, the knights are the monsters
    • The main problem with the world? So many grownups, not enough adults.
    • Talk less; say more.
    • George R.R. Martin, Kirkman, and Joss Whedon walked into a bar. There were no survivors.
    • Current Project: Fallout 4 "nerd" build (3/7/2/2/9/3/2, PER 9 after boosts)