Quote Originally Posted by LordDeathkeeper View Post
Don Karnago Resort

"Oh, my. That sounds supremely unpleasant."
Arty wants to ask if she could be possessed at any time, but he thinks that he may want to drop the subject on the grounds of this seeming like the sort of thing you really don't discuss on a date. But he doesn't know what to change the subject to...
"You, uh, seem to be getting the hang of just moving around normally, even if you are asking me for a swimming lesson." he says awkwardly.
Quote Originally Posted by Gulaghar View Post
[Mystery Island!]

"We only need you to wait here. Be ready to leave in case we must depart in a hurry." Xavier steps off their ride and offers a hand to help Kirin. "With any luck, we won't be too long."
Quote Originally Posted by Lost_Deep View Post
Mystery Island!

"Yeah." Kirin gets out some granola while she looks at the tower, pondering.
Don Karnago Resort

"It isn't the first time I moved around on four legs actually and some of it seems to come with instinct. But I never really did anything more complex than running while doing that. The swimming part was completely lost to me." Zhora replies just as the elevator stops and the doors open. She walks outside and then slowly heads in the direction of the beach.

[Mystery Island!]

"Good luck then!" Eagle shouts after them as they walk up the path to the tower. The door, politely enough, opens on it's own accord as they approach, revealing a well-lit foyer filled with a just barely visible staircase leading upstairs. From what they can see outside the bottom floor as no visible furniture of any kind, instead it's filled with piles of what appears to be small glass-bubbles. If anyone can detect energy (the "supernatural" or "magical" kind of energy) they can probably tell these are magical.